Leading the local church on mission to advance God’s Kingdom
Through Christ-centered devotion; conservative biblical wisdom; healthy emotional self-awareness; sacrificial love; courageous fathering; critical cultural engagement; and, intentional strategic leadership.
Husband. Father. Pastor. Founder, Energis Logic.
People are dying. Families are on the brink. Lives are in the balance. Eternity is at stake. And Jesus is the Answer!
What’s your next step?
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What is Energis Logic?
One of the hardest questions for a leader to answer is…
How do I maximize personnel and financial resources to achieve the most effective long-term impact? Multi-year strategic plans only work if you know how to steward your resources today. Energis Logic is a program designed to help leaders align resources to realize their organization’s vision.
Logic Model for Impact
Receive the tools you need to lead your team through a 5-year logic model implementation process based on your organization’s vision and values.
Bring Your Questions
Great leaders know when to ask great questions. Schedule a free 30-minute Discovery Call to discern if Energis Logic is right for you.